Have your Synthetic Dreads be made by one of our Affiliates

Have your Synthetic Dreads be made by one of our Affiliates

Are you looking for a matching color and can't find it with our Renate's Locks of Love? Have a custom set made by one of our affiliates!
Cutting real dreads shorter Reading Have your Synthetic Dreads be made by one of our Affiliates 2 minutes Next Can I wear Dreads if I exercise a lot?

What is an Affiliate?

In our online course, our students learn to make high quality Synthetic Dreads. This quality is strictly monitored and checked by us.

When a student completes our online course on the basis of various assignments, he / she will become an affiliate. This means that he / she works according to the quality of Dreadshop's requirements. And that also means that he / she becomes part of our eyes affiliate community!

Have your own Synthetic Dreads made

Are you a fan of the Renate's Locks of Love? But are you looking for a specific color ?! Or do you prefer a different length? Do you want longer, individual loose ends? Everything is negotiable!

Our affiliates are ready for you!

They want to develop their own Dreadset in consultation with you and you can make a choice in the colors you want! You can choose from all colors of Henlon Hair from our range! This Henlon Hair is of high quality and contains no chemical coating, which means that the risk of itching is much less present.

Would you like color advice? Or are you unsure which colors match well with your own hair color?

Our affiliates are happy to think along with you to make the perfect Dreadset for you!

Are you interested in having your own Custom Set developed by one of our Affiliates? Click here to see which Affiliates would like to help you!

Have you also become interested in our online course after reading this blog? Do you also want to get creative? Do you also want to become one of our affiliates? Click here for more information about our online course.

-X- Renate