How many Synthetic Dreads do I need for Partial Dreads?

How many Synthetic Dreads do I need for Partial Dreads?

Synthetic Dreads are ideal if you want to wear Partial Dreads. These Dreads are easy to install and to take out, without damaging your own hair. But how many Dreads do you need exactly for Partial Dreads? I would like to tell you that in this blog.

How many Synthetic Dreads do I need for Partial Dreads?

The word Partial actually says it all, partially. When you choose Partial Dreads, you wear Dreads on a part of your head. Usually these Dreads are placed in the neck. The Dreads then come out a bit under your own hair, with which you create a super cool Dread look.

When you are going to wear the Renate's Locks of Love for Partial Dreads, we recommend one or two bundles of Single Dreads (SE). Whether you go for one or two bundles depends on the volume you want. If you don't want too much volume, or if you first want to try whether Dreads really suit you, then one bundle is enough. If you want a bit more volume so everyone can see your Dreads properly, then opt for two bundles.

Why are Single Dreads (SE) preferred for Partial Dreads?

There are several reasons why Single Ended (SE) Dreads are preferred when you are going to wear Partial Dreads.

Partial Dreads are often used in the neck. The hairline in your neck consists of somewhat thinner and finer hairs. These hairs are more vulnerable than the hairs on top of your head. Because you do not want to damage your own hair, it is better to wear Single Dreads in your neck. These are lighter in weight and are therefore less heavy for your own hair.

Because the hair in your neck is a bit more vulnerable and your skin there is also a bit more sensitive, Single Dreads are also much more comfortable to wear than Double Dreads in that area.

In addition, with Double Dreads you have a somewhat thicker start. You can see this when your hair falls over your Dreads. You will then see small bumps where your Double Dreads are braided and of course you don't want that. Some Dreads are slightly flatter, making them barely visible when your hair falls over the Dreads.

Partial Dreads, does this suit me?

Do you doubt whether Partial Dreads is what you are looking for and whether this suits you? Then read our blog: 'Partial Dreads, does this suit me?' In this blog we would like to tell you when you should and should not opt for Partial Dreads.

Have you already made your choice and are you going for Partial Dreads? In our webshop you will find many different colors of Single Dreads. We also make Accent Sets, these are complete sets with Single Dreads that are decorated with yarn, beads and charms. These Accent Sets are very often chosen for Partial Dreads.

-X- Renate