Have Synthetic Dreads custom made for you

Have Synthetic Dreads custom made for you

A question we get very often is whether we also make custom Synthetic Dreads. Deciding on your own colors, thickness and length of the Dreadlocks is of course very cool!

Dreadshop only sells already made products

The Locks of Love are handmade for you. We offer these in different colors. The colors will change, we work with limited editions and occasionally we add new colors to this range.
Because we have many orders every day, it is not possible for us to make custom Dreads.

Dreadshop affiliates will love to make your custom Synthetic Dreads!

Dreadshop offers an online course, in which we train people to become a 'Synthetic Dreadlock Stylist'. When you have followed/finished this course and are an affiliate of Dreadshop, you have mastered the method of creating Synthetic Dreads in the Locks of Love style!
Our affiliates will love to make your Synthetic Dreads exactly the way you want them!

Where can you find Dreadshop affiliates who want to create your Dreads?

On our website you will find an overview of all our Affiliates, but to make it even more easier for you, we have opened a group on Facebook. All our affiliates are active in this group. So when you post a message in which you indicate your wishes exactly, our affiliates will respond. You will then be able to choose the person that appeals to you the most.

Will we see you in the Locks of Love Facebook group as an affiliate soon?

Do you also want to become an affiliate and make custom Synthetic Dreads yourself?

You can then sign up for our online course to become a Professional Synthetic Dreadlock Stylist! You will also learn how to make custom Dreads yourself. Would you like more information about my online course? Then click here.

-X- Renate