Can I use Henlon Hair to extend my real dreads?

Can I use Henlon Hair to extend my real dreads?

When you choose Real Dreads, you can choose to extend them as well. Super nice of course if you have very short hair because then you have very long Dreads! An additional advantage, you don't have to wait months for your own hair to be long enough!
But with which hair can you best extend your Dreads? I would like to explain that to you in this blog.
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Extending real dreads with Henlon hair

You can choose to use Synthetic Hair to extend your Real Dreadlocks. The Henlon hair from our range is of high quality and contain no chemical coating. So you will enjoy your Dreads for a long time!

You can choose to make your own dreads from the Henlon hair first and to crochet them to your dreads as an extension. If you want it is also possible to use the Renate's Locks of Love as an extension of your Dreads, these are made of Henlon Hair. These Synthetic Dreadlock extensions are also of high quality and they will last for years!

If you really want a very beautiful and natural result, we advise you to extend your Real Dreads with Human Hair.

Use Human Hair extensions for a natural result

You create the most beautiful and natural result by using human hair extensions. With the use of human hair extensions you hardly see any difference between your own hair and the extended part.
So our advice is to use Human Hair to extend your Real Dreads.

Also with the use of Human Hair you can choose to first make dreads yourself and crochet them to your own Dreadlocks. Or you can choose our Human Hair Locks of Love. But you can also choose to add the Human Hair to your own Dreadlock and then extend your dreads.

We have high-quality Human Hair in our range, which we also use in the salon.

Together with my supplier I went through all the requirements that Human Hair for Dreadlocks must meet in my eyes, making this product unique and of the highest quality so that you can work super fast and efficiently!

If you have thick hair you need less Human Hair for a perfect and long-lasting result.

By using high-quality Human Hair, you also work much faster and therefore more efficiently. You and your customer will also enjoy the Dreads longer as the hair will last a long time.

I hope you can make a choice with this information, have fun with your Dreads!


-X- Renate